Trimingham has a new village hall heated by a ground source heat pump via underfloor heating. The new hall repalces a 1930s pilgrim shelter, precariously located close to the cliff edge, which was poorly served by direct electric heating.
Finn Geotherm installed a Lampoassa three-phase ground source heat pump with integral 480 litre thermal store in a purpose-built plant room and a 1,200m ground loop array in the surrounding field.
Finn Geotherm applied for the Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive, and the hall receives quarterly payments for the next 20 years. The new hall is in constant use with community groups and events taking place each week.
Terry Brown, chairman of the Trimingham Village Hall Trust, said: “We are delighted with how well the heat pump works and the running costs are low. In the previous village hall, we had problems with people not wanting to take their coats off. Now we don’t know where to put them all!”