Microgeneration Certification Scheme
Working with industry, MCS defines, maintains and improves quality by certifying low-carbon energy technologies and contractors – including heat pumps, solar, biomass, wind and battery storage.
MCS aims to decarbonise heat and power in the UK’s homes by giving you confidence in home-grown energy.

Installation of Ground Source Heat Pumps
To get the full benefit of a GSHP installation you will need to employ someone with design and installation experience. A ground source heat pump may not perform well unless it is incorporated in a good design by someone who understands the needs of the building, the use to which the building is being put and the local geology.
If you are looking for a contractor MCS registered to install heat pumps you can check our members directory below…
Being MCS certified demonstrates to your customers that you install/manufacture to the industry-expected level of quality every time. MCS gives you a mark of quality which provides assurance. If you are an installer wishing to become MCS certified please click the link below…

Become a Member
The GSHP Association is the focal point for business interests in the ground source heat pump industry.
We represent the ground source heating & cooling industry, promoting sustainable use of heat pump technology and engaging with government and other bodies to influence relevant policymaking on behalf of our members.