Date Published: Sep 2023
Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) expresses Concern over the phase-out of fossil fuel boilers.
By Stephen Bielby
Categories: News, Press
Ken Gordon, CEO of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) wishes to express our deep concern on behalf of our members regarding the delay to the phasing-out of fossil fuel boilers. This decision poses significant challenges to the UK’s 2050 climate targets and the growing but fragile heat pump industry.
1. More To Do, Less Time: Postponing the phase-out effectively shortens the window to retrofit and replace millions of heating systems. A delay now will only compress the timeline later, making the challenge exponentially greater. Rapid transformation will be required closer to 2050, putting undue strain on industry resources, supply chains, and skilled labour. Achieving the 2050 targets becomes riskier and potentially more expensive for both homeowners and the government. This does not safeguard ordinary families; it means they will have to expect even more disruption in the future. Government should provide the funding required for transition, not families
We urge the government to reassess the implications of the delay and to continue its support for the renewable energy sector. The GSHPA remains committed to assisting the government in achieving its 2050 climate goals and ensuring a sustainable future for all.