Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (“PSDS”) gives central government and local authorities in England a major opportunity to decarbonise public sector non-domestic buildings by installing heat pumps.
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (“PSDS”) gives central government and local authorities in England a major opportunity to decarbonise public sector non-domestic buildings by installing heat pumps.
The PSDS run by Salix for BEIS can contribute to the capital cost projects designed to decarbonise public buildings.
The purpose of the scheme is to help make eligible buildings more energy efficient and install low carbon heating systems like heat pumps, heating controls, glazing and insulation.
Eligible bodies can apply for grant funding for projects that meet one or more of the Category Definitions:
- Technologies contributing to heat decarbonisation – like heat pumps an connection to low carbon heat networks
- Technologies reducing overall energy demand – like insulation
- Technologies enabling future decarbonisation projects – like metering or electrical infrastructure
Information on how to apply and the very tight timescales are shown on the Salix website.
Opportunity for heat pump installers?
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme is a great opportunity for heat pump installers and the PSDS has been welcomed by the Ground Source Heat Pump
Association as it displays good intentions by government. However, the very tight timescale for implementing this heat decarbonisation scheme means that very
few projects are likely to be installed within the limited timeline available.
Beware, however, that funding for the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme is limited and that BEIS expects installations to be completed quickly.
Remember that to provide effective and efficient heating, a heat pump must be installed by a contractor with experience in the design and installation of heat
pump systems.
Become a Member
The GSHP Association is the focal point for business interests in the ground source heat pump industry.
We represent the ground source heating & cooling industry, promoting sustainable use of heat pump technology and engaging with government and other bodies to influence relevant policymaking on behalf of our members.