Scottish Government: Heat Network Fund

The Scottish Government are making £300 million available over the next parliamentary session to support the development and rollout of zero emission heat networks across Scotland. This fund aims to stimulate commercial interest, investment and maximise Scotland’s vast potential in the low carbon sector, whilst contributing to the positive progress on reducing Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Applicants can be from public or private sector

The project must consist of a system where heat from a centralised source (or sources) is distributed to either a) multiple buildings or b) to multiple domestic dwellings within a building (i.e. a communal system)

  • The Fund supports projects of a large scale but also smaller projects such as communal shared ground loop systems.
  • The Fund offers grant support for up to 50% of eligible capital costs for projects that can clearly demonstrate a funding gap
  • The Fund will be open for the foreseeable, but it is required that projects are commissioned by 31st March 2026.

Further information can be found via the following link…

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The GSHP Association is the focal point for business interests in the ground source heat pump industry.

We represent the ground source heating & cooling industry, promoting sustainable use of heat pump technology and engaging with government and other bodies to influence relevant policymaking on behalf of our members.